Flash Flood

I’ve been rather negligent about writing this post … perhaps I’m in denial. But a week ago, I was trapped in a building (with 8 students) during a flash flood. Not the usual experience … and while trapped, I watched my as the water level rose across the street (or river, as it were) where my car was parked. I actually considered risking an attempt to cross the waters, but decided not to try it (my shoes were already swept away).

As luck would have it, my daughter filmed most of the experience and posted it on youtube. If you stick with it (she didn’t have such a steady hand), you can see us eventually rescued by boat from the flooded building. My car did not survive the experience and was declared a total loss. Nobody got hurt, however, and we managed to save quite a bit of uninsured equipment at the school where we were trapped. Gotta hand it to the kids … they were positive, never freaked out (despite what it may seem in the video footage) and did whatever they were asked.

If you watch the video, you’ll see that the kids thought this was all great fun. Their friends were extremely jealous that they hadn’t been involved. Of course, I lost my car – so my perspective is a little different. Ah well, that’s what insurance is for …

Recently found … 08/11/2009

  • Collaboration and CRM over Email. Simple and Secure: tgethr
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    -Remotely located people who still use email as a primary collaboration mechanism

    tags: collaboration, tools, group, projects, email

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