Recently found … 12/18/2009

  • “The education brains here at Scholastic have named 10 Big Ideas in Education from the first decade of the 21st Century–10 groundbreaking ideas that changed the landscape of American Education.
    -alternate paths to teaching
    -transformative technology
    -data-driven instruction
    -charter schools
    -the rise of digital content
    -focus on adolescent literacy
    -books are the new black
    -it takes a village
    -the American recovery & reinvestment act”

    tags: educational reform

  • “This First Look report presents data from a fall 2008 district Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) survey on the availability and use of educational technology. This includes information on networks and Internet capacity, technology policies, district-provided resources, teacher professional development, and district-level leadership for technology. “

    tags: educational technology, NCES

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.