A Vote for Evernote

I relied on Google Notebooks quite a bit and was as disappointed as other users by their recent dumping. However, I’ve been using Evernote as well. It’s a nifty app, easy to use online and off, syncs well, works on my phone, and searches images for text making it really easy to find those items that I might not have tagged so well.

Now you can easily import Google notebooks into Evernote – just visit their blog for instructions. It took very little time, I lost no data, and now I’m using Evernote in a more organized fashion. Give it a try …

Film on the Fly

Here is a great, fun, creative idea – I’m really interested to see how it plays out. From KOCE-TV (a PBS affiliate) website:

Film on the Fly! is the latest and greatest in mobile filmmaking challenges!  On the day of the contest, you’ll receive a text message with a secret story prompt for your video.  You’ll then have up to twenty hours to make a mobile phone video and post it to YouTube. Since this is a global challenge, you’ll be able to see mobile videos that are created from all over the country, and maybe even the world!